10 Awesome Front Yard Waterfalls
While many homeowners consider adding waterfalls to their backyards, many don’t know that front yard waterfalls are a landscaping possibility, too!
Browse these 10 awesome front yard waterfalls and then discover 3 reasons to install front yard waterfalls with Epiphany.
1. High Cascading Waterfalls & Pond
2. Terraced Waterfalls & Winding Stream
4. A Tropical Waterfall in the City
5. A Modern Waterfall Design for Narrow Lots
6. The Stacked Slate Urn - A Fountainscape Alternative
7. The Four Sisters - A Fountainscape Alternative
No matter where you find them, no matter how high, waterfalls impress our senses.
Front Yard Waterfalls
1. High Cascading Waterfalls & Pond
This first picture shows the type of waterfall that typically comes to mind when considering the type of waterfalls we find in someone’s yard. This cascading waterfall flows along a 3-tiered path and empties into a small pond nestled below the house. This is quite an impressive design from Aquascape and it works easily into the high slope leading up to the homeowner’s front door.
2. Terraced Waterfalls & Winding Stream
This beauty has a waterfall flowing into a stream that runs along the edge of the pathway leading to the front door. The height of this waterfall matches the height of the front steps - a great touch! Also, the young birch branches crossing over the narrow stream creates an illusion of being in the forest rather than the city.
3. Rock Garden Waterfalls
If your front yard is surrounded by shade, chances are you are limited in what you can grow. So, instead of struggling with flowers, incorporate rocks and water. This waterfall has been tucked away neatly beside the front landing and is tied into a rock garden which forms a terrace below. Imagine a warm evening, lingering at the front porch with friends or family while the gentle sound of water trickles below and the stars begin to twinkle above.
4. A Tropical Waterfall in the City
With the density of hostas and vines surrounding it, this waterfall reminds me of something you might discover while hiking in a tropical location. You’re meandering among lush palms, you turn a corner, and suddenly you see what your ears had already heard in the distance. You weren’t expecting to see a waterfall just how people don’t expect to see a waterfall in the city. However, once seen, it is a welcoming and memorable sight.
5. A Modern Waterfall Design for Narrow Lots
With its straight edges and neutral tones, this waterfall design would suit a modern home, particularly one that is separated from neighbours with high walls like this one. The waterfall feature along the wall transforms this boring and hostile wall into a delightfully warm and welcoming entrance. This 3 tiered design can incorporate a raised flower bed along the back wall as well. If you have a narrow and long yard with a side entrance, this may be the design for you.
6. The Stacked Slate Urn - A Fountainscape Alternative
If you don’t like the idea of a stream, pond, or pool of water in your front yard but you enjoy the sound of running water, a fountainscape may be for you. The urn can be placed near your front entrance, or perhaps you could have one for each side of your front entrance - in place of pillars or lamp posts.
7. The Four Sisters - A Fountainscape Alternative
Like the stacked slate urn, these 4 stacked basalt rocks actually form another type of fountainscape. The continuity of material and contrast in height is interesting, and you get quadruple the waterfall! Or triple if you choose 3 stone blocks instead. You can light these up at night for an even more dramatic effect.
8. The Spillway Bowl
Another fountainscape alternative for front yard waterfalls is to use a spillway bowl. Again, like the urns, you could place a single spillway bowl on one side of your front yard, on either side of your entrance. Or, you can have a series of spillway bowls, one placed above the next.
9. The Waterfall Wall
This stacked wall is another pretty alternative to traditional front yard waterfalls. You can place this anywhere - in front of the house, to the side along a fence, along a narrow side entrance, etc. You can light it up at night and you can enjoy the fountains on top as well. Aren’t the pebbles below cute?
10. The Ultimate Front Yard Waterfall
As you will see, waterfalls in the front yard add amazing curb appeal to your home. This video from the Pond Guy shows stunning work from Aquascape, the same organization that certified our own Epiphany contractors! The beginning of this video shows the work and design of the waterfalls, but you can watch more to find out what people are saying about these front yard waterfalls and the pond life.
3 Reasons to Install Front Yard Waterfalls
Boost Your Curb Appeal
Cancel Out Unwelcome Neighborhood Noise
Enjoy the Sights and Sounds of Water From Your Own Front Windows